A fundamental principle in medicine is that any effective treatment for a disease is also preventive, if given early. So why don’t we have more preventive treatments? The reason is simple: For preventive treatment, it’s not enough to be effective. Preventive treatments also have to be safe. Very safe.
The safety of Vision Protection Therapy is remarkable, if not unique in medicine. The advanced retinal laser technology called SDM™, used for Vision Protection Therapy has no known adverse treatment or side-effects in over 20 years of clinical use on tens of thousands of eyes. In patients, and in laboratory studies, the only effects of SDM™ are beneficial and healing.
Vision Protection Therapy. Effective. And safe.
Once you lose vision it may be impossible to bring it back. The only guaranteed way to keep good vision is not to lose it in the first place. This is the goal of Vision Protection Therapy: to prevent vision loss from AMD and glaucoma.
Reach out to Vision Protection today to learn more about protecting your vision from AMD. We are standing by to help.
* Individual results may vary, testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are from real patients, but are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
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